Catherine - Loved this book! Some great pointers in it!
Jenni - Whether the book was completely inspirational or not, you are friend! And I love your copious note taking. That is awesome!!
Tammie - Your idea jar is a wonderful idea to implement - I read a book called 'bird by bird' and in it, the author says she keeps stacks of index cards everywhere, so when she has a thought she can jot it down. I started doing the same thing, except I use cute little note pads :) It really does work!
Trysha - Have you read The Fred Factor? One of my former bosses had it on her shelf and I borrowed it. Very Very Very good read. I highly recommend it.
Tira J - Interesting book. Sad that it didn't live up to it's expectations. I love how you take notes! :) My reading journey begins on Monday!!!