Elena - It will have to go on my book list... Most of the times I don't think I have fears...until you get too close to something and it [the fear] rears its ugly head. I am good at working through them, but if there is a better way... i am up for it.
Jan - I just wanted to say I love reading your blog! You always have something good to share. :)
Tanya Mills - Thanks for sharing so personally! Because of your the suggestion, I've put this book on my hold list at the library. Looking forward to reading it.
Michelle - Picked this book up yesterday after reading your blog post. I had read many other recomendations for it, but yours finally pushed me over the edge. I finished reading it this morning. WOW! I am facing a few challenges that are just overwhelming me right now. This is just what I needed to get started on the journey. Thanks!!
Tanner - The secret to writing a book? I think it’s this: Take good notes and write often enough that it starts to accumulate
laureen - seeeeeeee! this post was exACTly what i was tawlkin' bout girl... preach it sista! especially the discouragement of that STUPID line... "you'll find love when you least expect it." UGH! and how about... "i can't believe that someone like you is still single." that's another one of my favorites. once again, THANK YOU for being willing to be REAL. somebody, please give this chick a stage and a microphone! = )
Truc - Great points, Melissa. Fear definitely holds me back, so it looks like I need to pick this one up. Thanks for sharing!
heather - Thanks for posting this Melissa! I will have to add it to the list of book recommendations that you have given:) With my recent lay off I am facing a big challenge and fear - going full time. Working on conquering it though! Will pray that God will show you how to work through your fear.
Jessica - For some reason the "one small step" thing is finally hitting home for me. I am so easily overwhelmed by big tasks or goals, and finally, finally - doing one small little thing each day is helping me make progress. Even when I am paralyzed by fear, by what do I do next, by where do I start? I always tell myself - just pick one small thing to do. I don't have to do it all, I just have to do one thing. And it works! And usually, once you get started, you have momentum, and end up doing 3 small things ... It's only taken me 30 years for this to sink in ... :-) Sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing!
Niki Flynn - What I love about you is that you are so incredibly honest, and real... qualities that people often try to hide, out of fear. I have learned so much from you because of this. I am a very kind, honest, real person, but fear stops me from showing that to the world. Thank you Melissa for always being so real. I love that about you and each time I read one of these posts where you put it all out there... I am reminded to not be afraid. xox
Gail - This sounds like EXACTLY the kind I book I need to read! I always feel like this before every shoot but feel so satisfied creatively for having put myself out there.
Gonna add it to my list!
jamie delaine - mmm i love you! i'm going to pick this book up.
heidi @ idieh design - All I can say is "DITTO" and I think you'll know what I mean. ;)
Leah - Love that you are picky, love that you know exactly what you want and are willing to wait. I'm hoping my daughter has the same traits one day. Thanks for being a role model in so many areas.
Desiree Maerz - Be picky. I was very picky, and I don't regret it. I may end up getting this book. I am fairly new in the photography world, and I'm still exploring which avenue I'd like to take. Shooting for magazines really interests me, but I'm scared to DEATH to start, like I mean, what if someone calls me and wants one of my photos? Sounds funny, I know. So I just sit and read about it, because that is safe behavior. OK, one small thing...one small thing...
Anna Hodges - I would love to read this book and thanks for suggesting it. If you remember about a recent blog you wrote (last 2 weeks or so?) about points you make to set yourself apart from the rest of the wedding photographers in the well-saturated market........this is one example where you definitely are different. You are not afraid to be honest with your thoughts and opinions with the world and it makes a perfect stranger love you and trust you for it. I imagine that honesty has also given you the gift to speak so eloquently about your thoughts as well. Every post I read of yours I learn so much, even outside of photography and it gives me the guidance to put my challenges and fears on course to overcome them.
Mark - I love that you openly express your love and faith in Jesus, keep it up.
Sarah - Hmm, I like it. I've always been told to break a big task into smaller achieveable bits, but what I like about this is it goes to the heart of why - fear. And the connection to dating etc, yes, I get that. Now, to figure out how it applies to getting pregnant :)
Chung - I hope this isn't considered a platitude, but merely a reciprocal book recommendation. I recently read "Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough" by Lori Gottlieb and it really helped clarify a lot of things for me,. It especially helped me confront my false assumptions about how love - and marriage - ought to be. They're so false and so deeply ingrained that I never even thought for a second to doubt them. Anyway, don't let the silly book title scare you away. It's a great read. If nothing else, it won't take too long to read and it might help you like it did me, and my friend, manage our expectations. :-D