Nate at Open Light Studio - Melissa, thanks for sharing the info. It sounds like a great refreshment and encouragement! I like your list quite a bit and think it's similar to mine.
Gai - I Love this! And it so makes me think of sitting on the plane ride home from YOUR workshop, doing this very thing! I need to tackle this task again though!
Jared Wilson Photography - Thanks Melissa - I've been thinking about attending this... So, you don't use ShootQ yet!? That would likely help you with #9 and definitely with #10!
cindee bae - thanks for the tip on making a list after a workshop/seminar, that's brilliant!!
YGuerrero - Thank you! Thank you! for sharing your personal ideas and thoughts, you are a great person and I'm sure lots of people is always inspired by you, starting with me ;) ;)
Suzanne - I have the e-myth book and have only read about half. Such a GREAT idea to get it on CD!!!
shawna - Sounds like a great experience! I love the occasions you have chosen for client gifts and I look forward to hearing more about them. They really do make an impact!
MM - YAY! It was so awesome to see you! What a great list! Now get crackin! :)
Kelvin - Very well said and summarized! I need to work on my 2010 goal pretty soon! Too bad I miss this seminar!
R. J. Kern - Melissa, Wonderful post and very timely, as several of the things you mentioned have been going throw my head, especially after attending Jeff Newsom's workshop. One important idea I return to after learning something new, is forcing myself to answer the question "Why?"... but not from the perspective of me... but from a practical buisness/art/client side. We all know *why* we need that a new lens or camera or flash, but don't think about if clients will notice or, gulp, even care. Here are a few things I learned from Jeff which your readers might enjoy reading:
Tira J - Yay! Thanks for sharing your experience Melissa! I have been looking forward to Spread the Love for a really long time and our leg of their tour is finally here this Friday! As I mentioned this morning on twitter, I think my life is about to change!
jamie delaine - GAH. Justin+Mary are frickin BRILLIANT. some of the most talented speakers ever! such a sweet couple. i bought a ticket to their seattle leg, but... i'm going to palm springs so i have to miss it! bummer.