Shar Rundio - Too funny! I've seen Puka-dog on several food show places you must try while in Hawaii. It's on our list of places to go next time we're there.
Andrea - I'm so glad you went. I guess it's too late to ask you to bring one back for me.
Sarah Duckworth - You are one brave, brave lady. And might I add... yuck.
Rachael Earl - You've got to try Higley Hot Dog next time you're in the mood-Williams Field west of Higley. Deeeelicious!
jamie delaine - Hahahah I love your writing. You make me laugh.
michelle sidles - Ha! I think I saw this stand on the Travel Channel. And now it's on my list of places to visit. ;)
I won't wear my best outfit when I go though... thanks for the tip. :)