Sarah Sandhaus - One of your best family shoots EVER!!!
Amanda - These are amazing. I know it is challenging, but you honestly do make it look so easy. I love everything about the session!
Andrea - These are wonderful! Josh & Natalie have better family photos than lots of families I know that don't have children with Autism. What a a great gift for a great family! I especially love the profile shot of Elijah looking down--his eye lashes look so precious!
crystal winger - You inspire me beyond words! I live in MN, but seriously want my families photos taken on a boat! It is still kinda nice here for pictures but that just looks amazing!
Liz - Absolutely LOVE these pix and all the amazing joy you see in these pix of your family. It amazes me and humbles me to see so much love and joy despite all the hardships they go through every day with autism. May God bless your family richly! :)
Clipping Path - amazing post! u've done really excellent job!! thanks a lot for sharing with us.
Tira J - Beautiful MJ!
heather corporan - This post brought me to tears. One of my alltime favorite posts. I'd say you made capturing these photos look easy ; ) You have a beautiful family Melissa, and a beautiful heart!
Katherine - You always capture the very best in everyone - the pictures speak volumes and the story is beautiful.
Linda Tschetter - Thanks for the beautiful photos of our grand-children and their awesome parents! I would pick them as family too - including you!
Susan - Beautiful photos of a beautiful family!
Stephanie Ortega - These are SO beautiful!!! I love them! You are just AMAZING!
Sarah - Love these - I would love to have more families do this type of shoot.
Lori Calhoun - I love seeing pictures of your family! It makes me feel a little bit stockerish...I promise I'm not. You can definitely see the resemblence between you and your sister...both beautiful. I wish more families (like every family) would do photoshoots like this! They're my fav!
Judy Subaitis - Such a beautiful, photogenic family! I love the last one!
Michelle Adams - Love, love, LOVE these!!!!!!!
Kate - I love it. Looks like everyone had a great time. That last shot of the family I love that you caught Elijah looking. I need to do family portraits for my brother ans sister and their families this Fall. They are always my toughest shoots.
Karen (Mikols) Bonar - I can't get over how much alike you and your sis look!!!
Kristen - I've never commented before but follow your blog daily. There are so many of these photos that are framers. Great job! I'm sure your sister LOVES them!! :)