The Boulder MJ 2 Day was a huge success! What a fun group! Guys are always welcome at the workshop but for the 7th edition we were all estrogen -- the really gorgeous, kind and sweet variety. Starting at the top row L to R: Katie Bradshaw, Brooke Summer, Becca Wood, Susan Pacek, Jessica Maida, Katie Derus, Brittani Bowling, Amy Peckins, Kelli Boling, Kirsten Leah (our awesome host!), Megan Refner, Tracy Woodger-Broz, Cathleen Schmidt and Claire O'malley-Shisler.

I already posted this next photo but it bears posting again. This was our amazing venue for the workshop -- thanks to Kirsten's generous family for donating it to the cause! Sara and I were blessed to be able to stay here for five days and it was SO picturesque.
We were in a rural area just outside of Boulder:
We spent as much time as we could hanging out on the wrap around porch.
For instance - lunch breaks!
This was the view from the porch. Pretty much every afternoon/evening a storm rolled in which made for a beautiful dark blue sky:
Here are some goodies from the workshop - including homemade chocolate chip cookies I made. I'm salivating right now just looking at them.
One day we headed outside when the sun was bright and overhead so I could demonstrate how I would shoot a ceremony in harsh light. Katie B and Becca made a cute couple for our mock-ceremony :).
And the whole stinkin' cute group!
Stay tuned! Tomorrow I will be sharing some images from our mock engagement shoot in the country!

Photographers who are interested in attending an upcoming workshop, we still have openings in the Phoenix workshop in January 2012! Click here for all the details and to register!
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