It's been awhile since I've blogged about the coaching sessions I offer for photographers. I can tell it's been awhile because I get emails from photographers who write, "Do you still do coaching sessions?" The answer is "Why yes, yes I do" :).

Last night I Skyped with Meredith from Boston at 6pm my time/9pm her time:
I was sitting in my home office and she was sitting in her kitchen after putting her two kids to bed. We had a great hour long session talking over all the questions she had relating to technical shooting issues and interacting with her portrait clients. It was good stuff.

I just love that technology allows us to sit face to face with each other even though we live 3000 miles apart.

If you're interested in my coaching sessions, here are the deets:

I charge $150 for a one hour session. We can cover any topics you'd like. You're welcome to email me a list of questions, links to your work, anything you'd like to go over. We can talk via Skype (if you have a webcam), over the phone, or in person. I do take credit cards and if you're interested in setting up a session, just email me a few dates/times that would work best for you and we can go from there!

And click here to find out what other resources I offer for photographers!
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