I'm so excited! I just got my new Kelly Moore Bag in the mail! I've been a loyal Shootsac user for years but I thought it was time to give another bag a try. The Shootsac is great in so many ways -- it's light weight and I love how it curves around your body so it feels snug. But it also has limited room and because of the elastic-y material it's made out of sometimes it likes to spit it's contents out. I lost a client's sunglasses on one shoot and felt SO bad. That made me nervous about CF cards. You also have to be very careful which pocket you put your long lens in the Shootsac. One time I had it in the middle pocket and the whole thing flipped over resulting in this fiasco.

So when I saw this new bag that solves many of the above issues PLUS is super stylin' I thought I'd give it a try. It's a little larger than the Shootsac and has 4 interior upright slots for gear (enough to use on for my water bottle!). You can put your 70-200mm inside with room to spare. So it's pretty deep. It's sturdy and stands upright empty or full. And the POCKETS. So many for everything from your cell phone, business cards, CF cards, keys and wallet. It even has a zipper pocket in the back for papers or a small book:
Check out the website here if you're interested in seeing more and all the cool colors they have to offer! Can't wait to get out and give it a try at my next shoot!
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