20. Write down the systems of my business - create a manual of what I do

Time is actually up on my 101 in 1001 goals list. The 1001 days finished on November 4th while I was in New Orleans. I'm going to do a wrap-up post on it soon but wanted to squeeze in blog posts on two more goals that I did finish before the deadline but haven't had the chance to blog on.

This one is a doozy and one that I'm so proud to check off the list! I really believe whole-heartedly that developing systems for my business in order to make it stream-lined and efficient is the way to go. It boosts profit and customer service. Over the past couple years I've had 3 different assistants working on developing this manual. As I trained each of them, I had them write down each and ever step in terms that a 5 year old should be able to understand. After the first assistant laid the ground work the others have been able to use the manual as a resource in their training process as well as refining it along the way. I can teach them something once and have them make sure it's written down correctly and clearly and then they can return to IT instead of ME when they have questions or forget a step. It's brilliant for the training process plus I just love the peace of mind it brings knowing that all of the knowledge needed to run my business doesn't JUST reside in my head. If something were to happen to my head all would not be lost. *Huge sigh of relief*

The manual is over 130 pages typed out so it has been a huge labor of love. It's finished for now but as my business continues to grow and we continue to make changes to make it even better and more efficient, sections of the manual will need to be updated. The way we have it set up will make that easy as well since each section starts on a new page and we can just redo a particular section and replace it in the binder.

A HUGE thanks goes out to Ashley, Natalie and Stacey -- my 3 assistants who did the bulk of the work on this project. Thanks guys!!
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