Some of you may remember this dear family who I photographed last May. At that time, Russ had just been given the news that he had aggressive liver cancer. He was 47 years old. He and I used to work together at a church during my pre-photography days and he was there for my family when my dad had a brain aneurysm 7 years ago. My dad was 48 years old when we very nearly lost him and he seemed SO young. Russ turned 48 two weeks ago and yesterday he lost his battle with cancer.

It's crazy to me that he's gone. It still hasn't sunk in.

This man lived such a full life of love and service to the Lord. Today he stands in the presence of Jesus and I look forward to joining him there one day.

If you pray, would you say a prayer for Russ's wife Robyn, his children Ashley & Cody and everyone else who is left with a hole in their hearts during this time? If you're interested in reading more about Russ's journey or leaving the family a note of encouragement, you can do so on their blog.

Goodbye friend. You will be missed.
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