woman showing glasses to illustrate perspective on photography business
Hey photographer friends! There are a few things on my mind that I would LOVE to gain your input on. I am always interested in discovering more about those of you who read this blog. At the moment, I am specifically curious about which services and products you offer within your photography businesses.

Who out there is willing to take a quick, 6-question survey for me to share your valuable insights?

Bueller? Anyone?

I'll tell you what! It is SO important to me that I hear from you, I am adding a giveaway to the deal!

So, anyone who completes this survey by Wednesday, April 5th will be entered to win a FREE 1 HOUR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SESSION with me!

On Thursday April 6th, I will randomly select one person who has filled out this survey to be the winner of a free one hour coaching call with me via Skype (or in person if you happen to live in the Phoenix area)!

To enter, click here, fill out the survey and hit the "submit" button in order for your answers to be saved. That's it! That will enter you in the giveaway AND you will be helping me out tremendously!

I can't wait to hear from you and gain valuable insight from your experience!

And ... I am super eager to find out who wins the coaching session!

Again, all you have to do is fill out this survey, click SUBMIT and you will be entered to win.

Can't wait to hear from you and to spend quality time with one of you working to grow your business! Thanks so much, friends!
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