Frivolous: playful, lighthearted, trivial; the little things in life that should be savored.

Favorite Outfit of the Week -- White button-down shirt: J Crew / High-waisted skinny 7 For All Mankind jeans & Earrings: Nordstrom / Silk scarf: I Found Gallery Etsy Shop / Arturo Chiang coral heels: Dillards

Highlight of the week: This sweet blog post made my week! Coaching other photographers and business owners is one of the many things about my job that I love. And connecting with others one-on-one in this way is SO fulfilling.

Yes, I did this:
1 -- Stood out in the pouring rain trying to convince Dixie in my most persuasive voice to PEE ALREADY. Being an Arizona native, she is terrified of water falling out of the sky and hitting her. And the result is doggie stage fright.
2 -- Chased trash down the street with Sara after the gale force winds blew our full-to-the-point-where-it-wouldn't-close recycling bin over. Twice.

I played one of the best games of all time next to the fire with friends on two separate occasions this week. I haven't played it in YEARS as evidenced by the fact that I had to re-read the rules. But I was obsessed with this game back in the day -- in addition to owning it, I also house in my game trunk the expansion set and the travel edition. Yep -- you'll find me sitting right next to Star Wars fanatic guy on the nerd scale. And now the whole world knows. But I'm three for three this week and if you want to play with me, you're going down.

Celebrating: The next MJ2Day starts Sunday night!!! And yes, I forgot to consult the NFL's schedule when I planned the dates of the workshop 6 months ago. But I can't wait to meet all the attendees! Eek!

Photographers! I'm auctioning off a 90-minute coaching session PLUS your choice of either a set of my Album Design Templates OR Blog Collage Templates as part of the Thirst Relief Mentor Auction! This is an AMAZING opportunity -- your money gets you cool stuff AND saves lives at the same time! Thirst Relief does amazing things -- bringing clean water to those in need. I've seen their work first-hand in Tanzania and it's incredible. Five dollars provides clean drinking water for one person for life! Crazy! Definitely check out the mentor auction -- it's live right now through Sunday night -- and bid generously!! Click here to bid on me!

Feeling Blessed: I have the cutest work-from-the-sofa companion ever!
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